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Blushing Tardis

College student. Enjoys the beach. Reads for fun. Writes poems. Paints from her imagination. Laughs much. Loves completely. ☼

Currently reading

Sarah Waters
Progress: 110/352 pages
Veronica Roth
Progress: 180/544 pages
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern

"The circus arrives without warning..."

This was not one of the best books I've ever read, but I enjoyed myself.
The writing transports readers to Le Cirque des Rêves and allows them to have their own unique experiences while meandering thought the magical chapters
No, there are not many action-packed scenes or epic battles.
This is poetry.
It is romantic.
It is meant to be enjoyed for what it is, not for what it could be.
With that said, I will be visiting the circus again.

"Opens at Nightfall
Closes at Dawn"